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Elements and Performance Criteria

  1. Maintain security of passengers, workplace personnel and visitors
  2. Security checks of passengers, workplace personnel and visitors are carried out in accordance with workplace security program and procedures, within limits of role and responsibilities
  3. Precautions and measures aimed at protecting the security of passengers, workplace personnel and visitors are followed in accordance with workplace security procedures and applicable security regulations
  4. Signs of suspicious behaviour from passengers, workplace personnel or visitors are recognised and reported promptly to designated personnel in accordance with workplace security procedures
  5. Breaches of security requirements for passengers, workplace personnel and visitors are reported promptly to designated personnel in accordance with workplace procedures
  6. Identify a security threat or situation
  7. Signs of security threats are recognised and investigated in accordance with workplace security procedures
  8. Security threat or situation is identified, assessed and reported promptly, in accordance with workplace security procedures
  9. Implications of the security threat or situation are evaluated in accordance with workplace security procedures
  10. Relevant personnel are alerted to the security threat or situation as required in accordance with workplace security procedures
  11. Communications are maintained with relevant personnel to determine appropriate course of action
  12. Respond to a security threat or situation
  13. Response to an identified security threat or situation is in accordance with workplace security procedures, received instructions, regulatory requirements and emergency response plan
  14. Security threats or incidents are handled appropriately in accordance with established response plan, within limits of responsibility and duty of care
  15. Responsibilities are fulfilled in accordance with workplace security procedures and regulatory requirements
  16. Assistance is provided in controlling the site prior to and following arrival of security and/or emergency services
  17. Assistance is provided to other staff and emergency services personnel conducting an initial survey of the security threat or emergency scene
  18. Directions of the controlling security/emergency authority are followed and all possible assistance is provided in response to those directions
  19. Maintain security records
  20. Records of security checks and precautions are kept in accordance with workplace security procedures
  21. Reports of security incidents or threats are completed in accordance with workplace security procedures

Performance Evidence

Evidence required to demonstrate competence in this unit must be relevant to and satisfy all of the requirements of the elements and performance criteria on at least one occasion and include:

adapting to differences in equipment, facilities, cargo and passengers

applying procedures for security checks and precautions in accordance with limits of own role and responsibilities

applying relevant legislation and workplace procedures

communicating effectively with others when following security procedures

completing required documentation and reports related to security procedures

following security threat/incident response plan and procedures

identifying and solving and/or reporting problems that arise when following security procedures

identifying signs of a possible security threat

modifying activities depending on workplace contexts, risk situations and environments

reading and interpreting instructions, procedures, applicable regulatory requirements, labels, markings, ID cards and other information relevant to workplace security in the transport and logistics industry

recognising signs of pillage and theft

recognising signs of security threats and situations

reporting and/or rectifying identified problems promptly, in accordance with regulatory requirements and workplace procedures

responding to a possible security threat

selecting and using relevant communications and other equipment required when following security procedures

working collaboratively with others when following security procedures

working systematically with required attention to detail without injury to self or others, or damage to goods or equipment.

Knowledge Evidence

Evidence required to demonstrate competence in this unit must be relevant to and satisfy all of the requirements of the elements and performance criteria and include knowledge of:

applicable measures for securing transport terminals, storage facilities, vehicles, trains, aircraft and/or vessels

applicable transport security legislation including relevant international, national, state/territory Acts, regulations codes and/or guidelines

common security problems that may occur when carrying out operations in the transport and logistics industry, and action that can be taken to address and resolve these problems

common security threats and incidents that may occur in transport, logistics and allied industries, and related roles and responsibilities of personnel when reporting and responding to these threats and incidents

layout of worksite, vehicle, vessel, train or aircraft and operating procedures

operational work systems, equipment, management and site operating systems when carrying out operations in the transport and logistics industry

precautions and procedures aimed at protecting the security of passengers, workplace personnel and visitors

procedures for operating electronic communications equipment in accordance with required protocol

relevant documentation and reporting requirements

relevant work health and safety (WHS)/occupational health and safety (OHS) and environmental protection procedures and guidelines

relevant quarantine regulations and requirements

relevant workplace security program, policies and procedures for responding to security threats, situations and emergencies

signs of pillaging and theft

signs of suspicious behaviour.